Quick Links:

Calendar of Events

Daycare Licensing

Flu Shots

Healthy Start



Meade County Alert System

See to Learn

Women's Clinic






A - Z List of Services

(any service with an underline is a link to more information)

About Meade County Health Contact information, payment policies, mission statement
Adult Health Blood Sugar, Hemoglobin (Iron), Urinalysis, Ear checks/wash, Blood Pressure, Foot Care (senior citizens)
Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Education and Support
Certified Breastfeeding Educators available for consultation
Electric breast pump loan program to qualified mothers
Manual breast pumps given free to qualifying Meade County breastfeeding Moms
Calendar Calendar listing events involving the Meade County Health Department
Child Care / Day Care Licensing and registration information, tips for child care, document complaints of daycare homes, preschools and child care centers for Meade County, educational pamphlets and books
Child Health Physicals (infant-9yrs), Kan-Be-Healthy screenings, height and weight, vision/hearing screening, ear check, dental varnishing, tympanometer screening, infant/child car seat inspection, educational pamphlets
Flu Shots Schedule for Flu Shot outreach locations
Foot Care for Seniors Held at the Senior Centers in Fowler, Meade, and Plains, check our CALENDAR for times and places
Healthy Start Home Visits to Pregnant and Post Partum Women and Infants
Health Fair Co-sponsor the Meade County Health Fair with the Meade District Hospital, held at the Meade District Hospital.  Series of Free tests such as: Hemoglobin, Height, Weight, blood pressure, UA, Breast examination, as well as those tests that cost a reduced fee such as: Blood work, PSA, Blood Type, H. Pylori, Vitamin D, Dexa (Bone Density), CA 125, Tetanus, (Tdap), Vitamin  B12, Testosterone.
HIPPA Notice of Privacy Practices
Immunizations Immunization requirements for school in Meade County
Influenza Schedule for flu shots in Meade County, plus vaccine information
Lab Services Lab testing done at a reduced rate for people without insurance! Check out the labs that we can do at a reduced rate. Perfect for people without insurance. Call for details.
Learn & Play Project for families with children birth to five years, to encourage early learning in the home.
Mom's Group Support group for breastfeeding, pregnant moms, and moms of infants and children
Prenatal & Postnatal Care Healthy Start home visitor program, breastfeeding peer counseling
See to Learn Preventive health program for children's eyes
Senior Services Foot Care, Blood Pressure checks, and other Adult Care such as Blood Sugar, Hemoglobin (Iron), Urinalysis and Ear Checks/Wash
SRS Access Point Have applications and other pamphlets available
Take a Break, Read! How reading helps your child
Vaccinations School immunization requirement, child/teen vaccinations and adult vaccinations
WIC WIC - Women, Infants & Children
Nutrition program for: pregnant women, breastfeeding moms, non-breastfeeding moms up to six months of age, infants and children birth to 5 years of age, link to KDHE or USDA, income requirements
Women's Clinic Annual pap & pelvic exams, Early Detection Works (must meet eligibility guidelines), contraceptive services and supplies, hemoglobin, pregnancy test and counseling, HIV/STD testing



7:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am -12:00 pm

309 S. Webb St
PO Box 248
Meade, KS  67864-0248

The Meade County Health Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

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