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Meade County Alert System

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Meade County Alert System AlertSense

The new FREE Meade County Alert System is here!

Meade County ALERT is a free service that allows you to sign up and receive notifications about emergencies that may affect the locations you care about. This service allows multiple agencies to send out accurate and up-to-date information about incidents that may have a significant impact to residents.

These emergency alerts could be related to specific hazards that require action be taken such as evacuation, shelter in place, boil water, etc. In addition to receiving information on your wireless device, you may also sign up to recieve notification on a traditional landline phone. Adding your address will provide you with geographically targeted alerts when an emergency impacts your specific location.

You will be notified via phone call, email or text messages.

ALL Meade County residents sign up by

Click Here to Sign Up and follow the instructions to complete  the sign up

Downloading the App on your smart phone by searching AlertSense My Alerts (Red box w/ a A)


Text your zipcode to 38276

Call the Health Department 620-873-8745

If you have registered and would like to update your alerts click here and enter your email or phone number and follow the instructions sent to you


If you have any questions or have problems remembering your login name/password you may contact Rachel Clowdis at the Meade County Health Department at 620-873-8745 for assistance.









7:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am -12:00 pm

309 S. Webb St
PO Box 248
Meade, KS  67864-0248

The Meade County Health Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

Copyright 2014 - Meade County Health Department  |  Disclaimer  |  Webmaster